Brittany Mascio's Weblog

Zuckerberg who?
December 9, 2010, 2:28 am
Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , ,

From time to time,  I fall into a habit. As switch from Facebook to email, and from Pandora Radio to Urban Dictionary, I often find I need to be more productive with my Internet usage. So, my solution became stumbling. And, normally I seem to stumble around anyway – on the Mall going to class, walking up stairs, etc. However, when I StumbledUpon, this relatively new social media tool, my philanthropic side perked up and fell in love.

Jumo is a non-profit social media tool specifically used for good. The company seeks to change the world. They want real change and informed communities. They seek more than changing profile pictures to “support” causes – their solutions count for something. It’s not a site that goes against anything its competitors are doing, it is simply being more active and intentional with its purpose. Besides, Jumo is founded and directed by Chris Hughes, co-founder of Facebook.

Jumo lets users find, follow and support those causes in their own community and in regions around the world. It connects organizations with individuals who are willing to help.

Similar to Facebook’s fan pages, users “follow” an issue or project because they’re interested in the cause or interested in learning more. When users “follow” issues and organizations, they receive the latest news and information on how to get active and do something, instead of adding it to a list of things users simply “like.”

Jumo is invested in long-term commitment and all donations are directed through Network for Good.

Jumo finds the issues and organizations that lack resources and need support.  Jumo seeks to inform users with the latest news and updates to keep users active. Jumo users then support their issue or project with their time, money and skills, specifically their technology skills.

Jumo gives a meaning to social media. It’s more than tagging pictures, it’s more than updating your status and it’s more than “supporting” a cause page. Jumo seeks to use social media as a tool to provoke change and seek to inform those who care how to get involved and do something. For as much as our generation is locked in, this is the best use of social media that I think can really last.